Friday, July 8, 2016

F - Falls Brook Trail, Barkhamstead, CT

Thursday, July 7th, 2016

F - Falls Brook Trail, Barkhamstead, CT

After a seemingly long layoff from hiking, due to a surprisingly excellent family reunion in Buffalo, I was finally back at it this morning.

While this was originally planned to be a family hike on a weekend, after having hiked the trail, I'm glad that it wasn't. It proved to be tricky footing at times, and was certainly a good workout going uphill almost the entire hike back in.

The drive up was lengthy, but I got a feeling as the landscape became more wild that this was "bear country," and that I might have to do a little singing or whistling to keep all the bears away [I didn't see any!]

The hike was pleasant. It was mostly downhill on the way out, meaning it would be a long uphill on the way back! It had been dry for about a month, so all of the "streams" on the way down had dried up. Considering that, I didn't have high expectations for the waterfall.

Red Eft!
 There were very good (sometimes excessive) blue-blazes and signage, some hand-scribed.

 Even though it was low-water, the falls were very nice. As the "Connecticut Walk Book" mentioned, there was a "natural Air Conditioning" at the base of the falls. Any waterfall enjoyed in solitude is okay in my book! A perfect spot for reflection, with a nice, clear, deep pool at the base.

Cool rock revealed by weathering water!

 The trail continued in a nice loop. Had there been more rain leading up to this point, the "confluence" of West and East forks of Falls Brook would have been more impressive!
Very Mossy Confluence!

 From the crossing of the East Fork, it was steady uphill as I expected, but I pushed without stopping all the way to the trailhead. By the end, my heart was pumping, and I had a good amount of perspiration going!

Some impressive wild grapevines!

I looked at the time, and it literally had been just under an hour! I was considering going for another hike, but I had some important errands and a time table over my head. Nice little jaunt! 

Notable Sightings:
  • Red-Eyed Vireo (heard)
  • Hermit Thrush (heard)
  • Black-throated Green Warbler (heard)
  • Winter Wren (heard)
  • Red-breasted? Nuthatch (heard)
  • Red-spotted Newt (Red Eft)
  • Green Frog
  • Blue Jay (heard)
  • Veery (heard)
  • Wood Thrush (heard)
  • Ovenbird (heard)
  • Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers (saw)        

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